Current Project Status
Current Status
We have just completed major structural repairs and stabilization, and have made the Tavern open for visitors. There is much work that still needs to be done. We are seeking funding for upgrades to lighting and HVAC systems, creating a new entrance on the Main Street side facing Concord Center, and creating the Refreshment Center, complete with a catering kitchen to provide beverages and light food throughout the day and evening.
We have identified our priorities and are making applications to external grant agencies, public and private, to receive funding to support the improvements needed in the building. Our priorities include the following:
Repair and improvements to the exterior preservation of the building so that it is more attractive to the community and is sustainable for New England winters and increasingly hot summers.
Implement repairs and upgrade the first floor so that it provides an attractive experience for the visitor. This includes replacing window shades and carpets in some rooms, purchasing furniture for the Tea Room and Wright Tavern room in the style of colonial taverns, repairing and painting the interior walls, and repairing places where work was applied that left holes in some of the ceilings and walls.
Create a new entrance on the Main Street side of the building, so the Tavern is more aligned with Concord Center. The entrance will need both stairs and handicap accessible capabilities, so it is easily available to people of all abilities.
Upgrade the electrical and lighting throughout the building. While we have electrical service, it needs significant improvements and upgrade to protect the building and provide an attractive visitor experience.
First Parish is working to establish a geothermal system for heating and cooling all buildings on its campus, include the Wright Tavern. Once this project is funded and implemented, we will need to upgrade our HVAC system to support the utilization of the new sustainable, fossil-free energy for the Tavern.
Implement an exhibit plan to provide a compelling, interactive and engaging educational experience for visitors to the Wright Tavern. There are many stories to be told, and we have an exhibit plan developed by a leading expert in these systems. We will implement these plans as funding becomes available.
We rent the second floor to organizations that share a mission similar to the Wright Tavern. We need to improve the second-floor décor so that it is “tenant ready” and attractive to potential tenants. We will seek tenants where we can create exciting and innovative collaborations.
If you are interested in learning more about the capital investment plans and would like to support our efforts, please contact us through the contact page or reach out to us at info@WrightTavern.org.